SEPTEMBER 16th + 17th
What is a Building Doctor Clinic?
Working in teams the “doctors” from our State Historic Preservation Office will teach old-building owners how to recognize and solve some of the most common sources of problems in maintaining older buildings and how to make informed decisions about repairs and improvements.
Each Building Doctor clinic begins with a free seminar on topics like peeling paint and failing plaster, wet basements, deteriorating masonry, windows, wood issues and bringing buildings built before 1955 up to date without sacrificing historic integrity.
On the following day, the Building Doctors make the rounds of ailing buildings within five miles of the city center where the seminar is held to examine problems and prescribe cures. Their consultations are free, however they are limited and you must ask for an appointment with the Building Doctor when you register for the clinic in advance, and attend the free seminar to qualify. The Building Doctors visit all kinds of pre-1955 buildings: schools, churches, factories, stores, offices, farm buildings and homes!
Archived: Sunday, August 1st
Walk the B&O and view the surviving elements of the Mercer Griebling Mill
All welcome, no registration necessary.
Meet at Deer Park on South Home Road at 10am, the walk will be approximately 3/4 of a mile and back to see the features.